Four Stages of the Visionary Leader,

with clayton stenson

Mental models help us understand how the world works, and for leaders how leadership works. Clayton Stenson, relationship coach for visionaries and second in commands, offers a mental model to help understand the complicated relationship between a visionary leader, and their second who supports them. 

In this episode of the Be Worth* Following podcast, Clayton shares how visionary leaders cycle through different stages and how this affects the teams they lead, and their direct support. 


Show Notes

Transcript of the episode

In this episode you’ll Hear:

  • Humble and Curious leaders are proactive and not reactive.

  • There are four stages that visionary leaders can cycle through.

  • Visionaries and second in command leaders can leverage their difference to their advantage if they are willing to be honest and resist trying to change each other.

Things to listen for:

[02:18] The leaders who influenced Clayton.
[04:18] Keeping the door open for more of the story.
[08:21] A formative experience in Clayton’s life.
[10:51] Reactive vs. Proactive organizations
[14:33] The dynamic between the visionary and the second in command.
[16:17] Four types of visionaries
[23:53] Bouncing around the four visionaries.
[27:02] The final type of visionary.
[27:39] Leveraging the knowledge of visionary stage development
[35:36] Advice for the visionaries and second in commands.

Additional Resources

Connect with Tim on LinkedIn
Learn more about The Aperio
Connect with Clayton on LinkedIn
Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
Kolbe A Index Assessment
The Working Genius Assessment

About Clayton . . .

Clayton Stenson is an innovator in the business coaching space. His focus is on helping visionary business owners and their second in command develop strong communication; and understand, appreciate, and leverage each other’s strengths. His targeted program works to improve the adoption, implementation, and execution of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) within companies. 

Throughout his career, Clayton naturally gravitated toward organizational leadership and developing the processes that keep everything running smoothly. For Years one of his passions has been coaching and mentoring others in his community and church. As Clayton’s leadership experience grew, he was introduced to EOS. His appreciation for how EOS clarifies each role within a company and gets everyone unified and rowing in the same direction changed his life – and his career direction – in a way he did not expect.  

Clayton took the leap into the entrepreneurial space, where his impact and knowledge now help businesses of all sizes develop healthy team dynamics and break through to the next level.