Trading Frustration for Fascination,

with Dr. Tim elmore

When it comes to diversity in the workplace, there is “an elephant in the room” that we often fail to notice. Dr. Tim Elmore, Founder of Growing Leaders, Inc, wants to bring attention to the generational gap that can often cause misunderstanding and frustration in the workplace.

In this latest episode of the Be Worth* Following Podcast, Tim Spiker and Dr. Elmore talk about generational diversity—the topic of Dr. Elmore’s latest book— and how to turn frustration into fascination.


Show Notes

Transcript of the episode

In this episode you’ll Hear:

  • Generational diversity is the “elephant in the room” in many organizations.

  • We turn frustrations into fascinations with “A. L.E.G. to stand on.”

  • Organizations can “ditch the niche” with reverse mentoring.

Things to listen for:

[2:04] Tim’s key influences
[6:55] Tim’s book: A New Kind of Diversity
[7:15] The “elephant in the room.”
[9:21] Widening generation gap
[11:54] “Turn frustrations into fascinations”
[14:03] “What do you want most from the other generations?”
[15:39] Distinctions of the generations
[22:00] Understand instead of stereotype
[28:33] “A. L.E.G. to stand on”
[34:15] Ways to close the generational gap
[39:19] Tim’s Take

additional resources:

Connect with Tim Spiker on LinkedIn
Learn more about The Aperio
Connect with Tim Elmore on LinkedIn
Growing Leaders, Inc.
Habitudes series, by Dr. Tim Elmore
John Maxwell
A New Kind of Diversity, by Dr. Tim Elmore
The Social Dilemma Artificial Maturity, by Dr. Tim Elmore
Simon Sinek
David W. Augsburger: “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.”

About Tim . . .

Dr. Tim Elmore is founder and CEO of Growing Leaders (, an Atlanta‐based non‐profit organization created to develop emerging leaders. Since founding Growing Leaders in 2003, Elmore has spoken to over 500,000 leaders in businesses, universities, athletic teams and non-profit organizations, including The Home Depot, Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated, American Eagle and Chick-fil-A as well as the San Francisco Giants, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Ohio State University, Stanford University and the University of Alabama athletics.

His work grew out of twenty years serving alongside Dr. John C. Maxwell where he focused on leadership for the emerging generations. Elmore has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, USA Today, Psychology Today and he’s been featured on CNN’s Headline News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV and Fox and Friends to talk about leading multiple generations in the marketplace. Tim was listed in the top 100 leadership speakers in America by Inc. magazine and gave a TEDx Talk in 2020 about the inverse relationship between technology and emotional intelligence. He has written more than 35 books, including the best-selling Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes. His latest book, A New Kind of Diversity: Making the Different Generations on Your Team a Competitive Advantage was released in the fall of 2022. Tim and his wife, Pam, have two adult children, Bethany and Jonathan. He and Pam live outside of Atlanta. You can also find his work at: